Friday, February 27, 2009

the GRAND finale. Yuko Shimizu

Yuko Shimizu came to lecture last sememster and fortunately i was forced to go by my surface research professor. The first picture she showed i was just in awe i think she is AH-mazing. 

The Fall Trailer

The Fall is a movie that NO ONE has heard about for some reason. It was in theatres for a small amount of time but i was lucky enough to catch it. it was filmed in 40 different countries and is such a beautiiiful movie visually and conceptually.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Annapurna Kumar

More friend work. Anna makes videos for projections during performances by Pretzlcoat. Pretzlcoat is a musician who makes music w/ a monome I believe? Moral of the story it's awesome. 

My friends Ammar and David

I'm posting this mainly b/c as you can seee I love me some videos. The guy filming is basically just doing this spur o' the moment semi and i think it's really well done however simple and rough. 

Bjork- Declare Independence music video

I love Bjork's music but I love her videos even more. She always has the best creative minds surrounding her on these projects and they never fail to end up very unique and colorful.

Spike Jonze Adidas Commercial (basically what I want to do with my life.)

Spike Jonze is my idle. He is a hot commodity in the advertising and music video world. His videos always powwwn and one day I hope to do what he's doing. 

Oren Lavie stop-motion music video